The Zunga

The information provided here is an aid and encouragement for the exercise and enjoyment of rights.
The information is absent of intent or authority as legal advice, medical advice or mental health advice.

The Zunga School / Hospital / Retailer Solutions

$597 Non-Refundable Setup Fee, $229 Monthly Membership - Cancel at any time.


Your personal Zunga Advocate Membership can guide you through the process of documenting your discrimination and putting the School / Hospital / Retailer on notice for their violations.  This is designed to resolve your issue without court.  If this doesn’t resolve the issue then you will file a suit in Federal Court.  The fees include initial intake of $597 and $229 a month thereafter until your issue is resolved.


Students! Hospitals! Retailers! Your personal Zunga Advocate Membership will guide you through this process. Intake and setup is $597 and then $229 a month thereafter until your issue has been resolved. Continue working with your personal Zunga Advocate after filing a suit in Federal Court for $229 per month as long as you need continued assistance. You may cancel at any time if you no longer need our services.

Civil Disobedience! Your personal Zunga Advocate Membership can guide you through the process of handling a trespass charge or court date that results from non-compliance with mitigation measures. Intake, documents, strategy and prep.