The Zunga

The information provided here is an aid and encouragement for the exercise and enjoyment of rights.
The information is absent of intent or authority as legal advice, medical advice or mental health advice.

Easement Support – 6 Months

$297.00 / month for 6 months

Companion to Easement Package, ongoing support. Begins after initial month of Easement Package.

$297 per month for 6 months

This package contains:
6-months of support and consulting / Personalized Support for the process / Personalized Insurance Claim for damages to file / Personalized Inspector General Complaint against agency abuse to file / On-going support and responsive documents.

SKU: EZ6 Category:

Companion to Easement Package, ongoing support. Begins after initial month of Easement Package.

$297 per month for 6 months

This package contains:
6-months of support and consulting / Personalized Support for the process / Personalized Insurance Claim for damages to file / Personalized Inspector General Complaint against agency abuse to file / On-going support and responsive documents.